Open Source movement: Freedom – FreeRice – Friends

FreeRice- Play and Feed a Hungry Person!

The phenomenal impact of the opensource movement has spread during the last five years. Among the successful ones are Mozilla Firefox (which has more than half a billion downloads at the end of February), OpenOffice or LibreOffice , and Ubuntu Linux.

But besides that, the open-source movement has not only created good softwares, it challenges the way we used to think, work, and live. This movement is an invitation for people to give and receive. The results of this movement can and have made an impact on people’s lives. Visit or The Hunger Site and see for yourself. The collective power and wisdom of the human family has the power to combat and overcome hunger, poverty, violence, war, and any obstacles that may prevent the human person from reaching our true dignity.

You, as one person in the human family, can make a difference in the lives of someone by just a click.  Be the change.  Imagine the change and impact if everyone do their own part!

Comments (1)

wood plastic compositeMay 6th, 2011 at 6:00 am

I very like

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